May 7, 2024 | 2 min read

Every company with real estate needs an ESG data platform

Luc van de Boom

The integration of an ESG data platform is no longer a luxury but a necessity, driven by a confluence of regulatory requirements, investor expectations, and internal efficiency demands. Here’s why every company involved in real estate should consider adopting a robust ESG data platform.

1. Compliance with expanding regulatory requirements

The regulatory landscape around ESG reporting is becoming increasingly stringent and complex. For example, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) alone requires the collection of over 1,035 data points, and that's just one framework among many, including the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB), Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR), Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) Statements, and the EU Taxonomy. Navigating these frameworks without a dedicated ESG data platform can be overwhelming and fraught with the risks of non-compliance and misalignment. Such platforms streamline the process of data collection, validation and reporting, ensuring that companies meet the legal standards set forth by these diverse and often complex frameworks.

2. Meeting investor expectations for auditable systems

Today's investors are increasingly prioritizing ESG factors in their investment decisions. They demand transparency and verifiability in ESG reporting, akin to financial data audits conducted by institutions such as the Big Four accounting firms. In addition, the CSRD directive makes it mandatory to have assurance over the reported data, a trend that is likely to grow across obligatory reporting. An ESG data platform provides a structured and reliable way of maintaining data that can withstand rigorous audits. This not only boosts investor confidence but also enhances the company’s reputation in the market.

3. Reducing the Burden on Internal Resources

A significant amount of manpower—up to 25% of all full-time equivalents (FTEs) in some cases—is dedicated to financial and non-financial reporting. This substantial allocation of resources to data management and reporting can be streamlined with an ESG data platform. Such platforms automate many aspects of data collection and reporting, thereby freeing up internal resources to focus on implementing actual ESG initiatives that can improve the company's overall performance and sustainability.

4. Ensuring Consistency and Clarity of Data

Managing ESG data using rudimentary tools like Excel spreadsheets is not only inefficient but also prone to errors, given the diversity of data sources and types involved. An ESG data platform helps maintain data consistency and makes it easier to explain and interpret internally. With all ESG-related data centralized, discrepancies and errors can be minimized, leading to more accurate reporting and decision-making.

5. Efficient Utilization of Data for Sustainable Goals

Ambitious goals such as reaching Net Zero require not just data collection but also the efficient use of that data. ESG data platforms can analyze vast amounts of data to provide actionable insights, which are crucial for making informed decisions about where and how to implement sustainability measures effectively. By leveraging advanced analytics, companies can prioritize their efforts, allocate resources more strategically, and measure their progress toward sustainability targets with greater precision.

6. Expanding the access to data insights

Expanding access to data insights is important for driving meaningful change across the real estate sector. An ESG data platform democratizes access to crucial information, breaking down silos within organizations and facilitating collaboration among stakeholders. By providing a centralized repository for ESG data, these platforms empower decision-makers at all levels to access the insights they need to drive sustainability initiatives forward. Whether it's identifying opportunities for energy efficiency improvements or mitigating environmental risks, the ability to access and interpret ESG data empowers teams to make informed decisions that align with broader strategic goals. This democratization of data insights fosters a culture of transparency and accountability, laying the foundation for a more sustainable future in real estate.


The current landscape, shaped by increasingly stringent regulatory requirements, heightened investor expectations, and internal efficiency demands, necessitates a structured approach to managing ESG data. The integration of an ESG data platform is not just a strategic advantage but a fundamental necessity in navigating the complexities of today's real estate landscape while driving meaningful progress towards sustainability goals.