GRESB reporting

is a challenge

GRESB is the global benchmark for ESG in real estate. But for new and returning participants alike, the reporting period is stressful. Managing multiple data sources, collecting consumption data and deciphering GRESB's rules is complex and resource-intensive.

Scaler optimizes your collection and input processes, organizes your data, and automatically validates asset-level data according to all of the GRESB guidelines.

Data completeness chart
Scores charts

GRESB reporting,

without the stress

Streamline data collection across stakeholders with our custom Survey Tool. Input data from disparate sources directly, via bulk upload or with API integrations.

Organize your consumption data with detailed and granular input. With Scaler's collection portal, pinpoint gaps in data coverage and remediate.

Validate errors before you submit and automate calculations and data aggregation. Then seamlessly export your GRESB Asset Spreadsheet with the click of a button.

Save time, reduce stress and maximize your GRESB Score.

Take the burden out of GRESB

Scaler is the first ESG data management tool built with GRESB in mind. Collecting and analyzing data for your ESG strategy combines seamlessly with reporting.

Data collection via Scaler means you can stop using error-prone spreadsheets and work smarter:

Don't start from scratch, build on reporting year over year

Collaborate with all team members and stakeholders in one tool

Collect data year round and take the pressure off reporting season

Access your full audit trail for data collection and processing

Collect, store and process data once and uniformly for all reporting requirements, like GRI, SFDR and more

Identify assets that decrease your Score, strategize to improve portfolio performance

Gresb data table

One solution for reporting and disclosure

Collect data once, produce any report

Scaler collects over 500 data points down to the meter level, from minute to annual reporting, based on your strategy. We store and process data so that it can be used across any type of report, especially as requirements evolve over time. Scaler eliminates the need for multiple spreadsheets or databases and reduces the chance of errors and out-of-date duplicates.

Enter data once and you're ready to comply with all your disclosure requirements, now and in the future.

Annual reports tables

Identify exactly where and how to improve

Asset-level insights

Whether you are just starting out or a leader in your sector, identifying where to focus your efforts is the key to improving.

Scaler’s dedicated GRESB dashboard gives you asset-level insights and identifies underperforming assets based on GRESB’s scoring weightings. Easily determine across which Aspects you need to improve, asset by asset. Make a concrete plan based on what will impact your GRESB Score the most.

Upload 2023 GRESB Asset Spreadsheet to get started today

GRESB energy score chart

Intensities and decarbonization

Focus on performance

In addition to your GRESB Score estimate, Scaler provides you with a score that takes performance intensities and net zero alignment into account. This gives you a more accurate reflection of your performance than can be gained through a focus on data coverage, building certifications and energy labels alone. In this way, you're prepared for evolving stakeholder and regulatory requirements.

Learn more about the importance of intensities

Scaler ESG score chart

Scaler & GRESB

A data solution made for GRESB

At Scaler, we're proud to have Luc, our co-founder and Chief Business Officer, on our team. As an early GRESB employee, Luc was instrumental in developing key components like the Real Estate Assessment, the GRESB Asset Spreadsheet, the API, and the scoring model.

Leveraging his extensive experience, Luc saw firsthand the common hurdles that industry professionals face: 1) managers working with error-prone spreadsheets, 2) teams struggling to understand how to improve scores, and 3) parties trying to create their own solutions due to a lack of suitable market options.

Recognizing these challenges, Luc set out to create a comprehensive solution. Our team, including more former GRESB staff, collaborates closely to offer unmatched expertise and support.

As GRESB partners, we're here to help you navigate the reporting process smoothly and effectively.

Optimized GRESB reporting

Check out our GRESB Masterclass for tips & tricks to streamline reporting and optimize your score in 2024.

Scale your impact

Support your entire ESG strategy with Scaler

Prepare all your reporting in one place: SFDR, EU Taxonomy, annual reports, and more

Identify gaps in your data to work toward full coverage

Monitor performance and gain actionable insights

Embed ESG throughout your organization with a tool everyone can understand

Track performance against carbon pathways and optimize your retrofit planning